A winter syllabus 2023: The Heroine’s Journey at OLLI at Mason online

Catherine Morland (Felicity Jones) and Henry Tilney (J.J. Feilds) entering the realm of the ancient Abbey, crossing the bridge (2007 Granada/WBGH Northanger Abbey, scripted Andrew Davies) For a course at the Oscher LifeLong Learning Institute at George Mason University Day: 4 Thursdays midday, 11:50-1:15 pm online, F405Z: The Heroine’s Journey Office located at 4210 Roberts … Continue reading “A winter syllabus 2023: The Heroine’s Journey at OLLI at Mason online”

Coming winter course finalized: The Heroine’s Journey

Early still of Clare turning away from vase in window, Inverness, Halloween, evening (Outlander S1Ep1) I’ll do it online from OLLI at George Mason: Our foundational books will be Maria Tatar’s, The Heroine with 1001 Faces, and Maureen Murdock’s The Heroine’s Journey. The class will read as a pair Margaret Atwood’s Penelopiad and Liz Lochhead’s … Continue reading “Coming winter course finalized: The Heroine’s Journey”

The Heroine’s Demand for a Confrontation: Lonergan’s Margaret, Jennifer Kent’s Clare, not to omit Horsfield’s Demelza & Gabaldon’s Brianna

Lisa Cohen (Anna Paquin) demands that Gerald Maretti, the busdriver (Mark Ruffalo) confess he is guilty (Lonergan’s 2011 Margaret) Clare (Aisling Franciosi) and Billy (Baykali Ganambarr) hiding from Officer Hawkins while she seeks Hawkins out (Jennifer Kent’s 2018 The Nightingale) As flies to wanton boys are we to th’ gods, They kill us for their … Continue reading “The Heroine’s Demand for a Confrontation: Lonergan’s Margaret, Jennifer Kent’s Clare, not to omit Horsfield’s Demelza & Gabaldon’s Brianna”

Winter Mini-term: Syllabus for Women’s Detective Fiction: OLLI at Mason

For a course at the Oscher LifeLong Learning Institute at George Mason University Day: Tuesday mornings, 11:50 am -1:15 pm, Jan 23 – Feb 13 4 sessions On-line (location of building housing the office: 4210 Roberts Road, Fairfax, Va, Tallwood) Dr Ellen Moody Pushkin Press, 2022 reprint Women in and Writing Detective Fiction (a continuation … Continue reading “Winter Mini-term: Syllabus for Women’s Detective Fiction: OLLI at Mason”

Politics & Prose classes on women’s fiction & authors; genre fiction for, by, about women; Lot’s wife re-seen

Hilary Mantel’s superb non-fiction essays, a selection from the London Review of Books A rare almost Radcliffean female gothic fiction for Oates Dear friends and readers, For about 12 weeks now I’ve been taking on-line courses at Politics and Prose and the quality and level of the discussions, the information and insights offered have been … Continue reading “Politics & Prose classes on women’s fiction & authors; genre fiction for, by, about women; Lot’s wife re-seen”

Women’s Holocaust Memoirs

Charlotte Delbo, Auschwitz and After, translated from the French by Rose Lamont (a trilogy) You cannot just add women in or replace men with women and stir — and assume you have the same situation — Elizabeth Minnick, Transforming Knowledge Dear friends and readers, Over the past month I attended via zoom, a four session … Continue reading “Women’s Holocaust Memoirs”

Halloween/Samhain & a talk on Bookstore fiction: includes ghosts, historical fiction, mysteries

Opening episode of Outlander: Frank in the rain sees a ghostly highlander looking up at Claire through a window, he enters the room which feels haunted … (Outlander s1:E1, Sassenach) Fantasies of the Bookstore: combine community & retail space, with meaningful location; you know you are in one when you walk in. Where it is … Continue reading “Halloween/Samhain & a talk on Bookstore fiction: includes ghosts, historical fiction, mysteries”

Ahdaf Soueif’s Map of Love: out of A well-traveled Trunk

Ahdaf Soueif Would Austen have read this book? she would have seen it as an improbable Radcliffe fantasy (especially the trunk and manuscripts) and gobbled it up, all the while writing harsh abrasive remarks about it to Cassandra who would at least listen …. Friends and readers, I first read Ahdaf Soueif’s The Map of … Continue reading “Ahdaf Soueif’s Map of Love: out of A well-traveled Trunk”

Margaret Oliphant’s Novels of Women’s Lives: Marriage and Career

Friends and readers, I read with a class on 19th century Women of Letters this past term Margaret Oliphant’s Kirsteen: The History of a Scotch Family 70 Years Ago, and am gratified to report the class as a whole liked it very much: some called it a “page-turner;” it was a class of 35 and … Continue reading “Margaret Oliphant’s Novels of Women’s Lives: Marriage and Career”

Remedios Varo (1908-63): surreal mystic fantasias

Varo, Harmony (1956) Friends and readers, Hers is a story of three women artists who formed strong bonds of friendship in Mexico during World War Two and flourished afterwards: her art has women at the center of pictures, fairytale like, archetypal, sometimes charming and comic, telling psychoanalytic & occult & melancholy tales … Of the … Continue reading “Remedios Varo (1908-63): surreal mystic fantasias”