ASECS, Williamsburg: Amatory Fiction, Inchbald, Austen, and pattern dancing

Giuseppi Grisoni: A Masquerade at Kings Theater, Haymarket

Dear friends and readers,

Just back from a splendidly rich ASECS at Williamsburg, which included a masquerade ball that led me (and a few people I talked to) to imagine what it might really be like to be at a masquerade, or to feel they were in Burney’s Cecilia. I enjoyed very much also just about all the sessions and lectures and musical events I went to, and thought I’d try to give some account of what I heard. This is series of summaries, the gists of papers I heard on Thursday and a couple of the social activities I participated in.

I began early in the morning, 8:00-9:30 am: “The Liminal and Unique: Redefining the 18th Century Canon. I arrived in the middle of Erin Makulsi Sandler’s “Amatory Anonymity: Redefining the Amatory Fiction Canon.” She demonstrated from several short fictions that in these novels the seduction narrative is secondary and the master narrative teaches lessons quite different from the presumed punitive one where rape, prostitution, and other sexually transgressive experiences lead necessarily to a wretched life. Some women thrive after recovering or growing rich from such experiences. Marilyn Francus was not able to come to the meeting so her paper, “A Major ‘minor’ writer: Frances Sheridan” was read aloud by someone else. The question Prof. Francus asked was, Why 60 years after a highly successful career with three remarkably original, powerful and original works (Sidney Biddulph, a poignant epistolary novel in the Richardson tradition; Discovery, a hit comedy; and Nourjahad, an oriental tale as effective as Johnson’s) was Francis Sheridan marginalized? her highly praised Biddulph reached a 5th edition in 1796, a sequel of two more volumes had appeared; it had been translated into French, German and Dutch, was adapted into a French play. Francus noted several features in the process, among these that from the very first biographies she is mentioned as the wife of Thomas and mother of Richard, and her place of birth mentioned because it was relevant to her husband’s theater life in Dublin. Second her novel was not included in the famous collections by Scott and Barbauld. Barbauld protested against the novel’s melancholy and mid-19th century critics called it “vexatious, unpleasant.” And she died young.

In her paper on Charlotte Lennox, Susan Carlile showed what a central and versatile writer Charlotte Lennox had been though today she is still known mostly for her satiric The Female Quixote: Carlile went over another novel by Lennox, Harriot Stuart, which exposes and critiques the social and psychological problems a female encounters in the world (including rape). Lennox’s Shakespeare Illustrated, translation, editions of letters, philosophical dialogues were described, with special attention to her poetry, especially one poem on botany found in a book on botany that Lennox wrote in part and put together. This last account was particularly original and detailed. Lastly Nicole Horslejsi meant to create interest in Sarah Fielding and Jane Collier’s part-satire, part fable, The Cry as a self-aware metatext of literary history. In the discussion afterward people still felt the term “amatory fiction” had its usefulness. I remembered how Austen’s novels many of whose themes have nothing to do with courtship or marriage are turned into romances in films and thought of that way by readers.

Wm Birch, after Rowlandson (1756-1827), At Dover Castle a Balloon is set off headed for Calais (1785)

I attended both sessions on “Elizabeth Inchbald, Actress, Playwright, Editor, Novelist,” convened in honor of her biography, Annibel Jenkins, 9:45-1 pm. In the first, Angela Rehbein discussed the peculiar mix of progressive idealism and brutal imperialism thought and action in the Utopian socialist communities found in Inchbald’s didactic novel, Nature and Art. Misty Kreuger gave a lively account of how a group of her students went form dramatic reading to acting the roles in and staged Lovers’ Vows, how it taught them much about Austen’s attitudes in the novel. The experienced the parallels in the characters; they did tend to choose characters they had some emotional connection to. In condensing the play for a brief one-hour enactment she learned how erotic both this text and Austen’s are.

In the second session, Laura Engel described and discussed Inchbald’s Pocket Diaries: (printed into large readable type by Chatto and Windus). Inchbald got down details of her daily life (a record of her writing process), especially money spent, her work for the theater; other actors, managers, procedures, her hairdresser (her needs met); we see what she enjoys and what distresses her; how her complaints about not getting this or that part contrasts with the reality of the good parts she was assigned. Daniel Ennis’s account of the paraphernalia surrounding the production of Inchbald’s The Moghul’s Tale across a couple of centuries was supposed to accompany a second paper about a student production; the second speaker could not come, but Prof Ennis’s account as lucid enough to give the audience a real feel why this farce about ballooning and an acting company who find themselves taken prisoners in harem was so popular, how it changed over the years, how the characters (Johnny a cobber, and Fanny his long-suffering wife) in it related to the actors (e.g., John Barnes, 1761-1841) who played it. He described the different configurations of works The Moghul’s Tale appeared with, how gradually names were assigned to the Islamic characters.

A friend invited me to come to the Richardson Society luncheon, where conversation was stimulating and everyone so welcoming that the next morning I participated in a supposed closed session on Richardson (I was assured last year it had been “crashed” and this year was open to all despite the printed reservation) and since coming home have joined the Richardson Society through facebook.

Philippe Mercier (1689-1763), The Sense of Sight (1744-47)

The last session of papers I attended was the first of the afternoon, “Jane Austen’s Geography.” James Thompson, the chair, had run the Jane Austen Summer Program last year and I had had a chance to talk with him again during a coffee break. Robert Clark’s paper on Mansfield Park, the East Indies and the British (im)moral empire offered a convincing account of the felt presence of the global economy which was (from Antigua) supporting the Bertram property; he suggested the pro-abolitionist theme of Austen’s work is there to offset and justify the ruthless and cruel exploitation of the native people’s imperialism inflicts. Prof Clark pointed out how involved George Austen was in Antigua, his sons in East India, with Henry’s banking business dependent on speculation. I was glad to find this man agreed with my view that Austen’s praise of Paisley and Buchanan in her letters show her to have been a fierce pro-imperialist. Elizabeth Kowalski-Wallace gave a recent consensus interpretation of Northanger Abbey (that we are to take Catherine’s intuituions about the gothic goings on at the Abbey seriously) based on the mentions of Italy and things Italian in the novel. John Leffel attempted to map and connect globally-apart places in Austen’s juvenilia, Catherine, or the Bower (India) and Sanditon. By the end of the session one felt like the one place Austen omitted from her books was England.

After this session, I hurried over to join a group of people at a dance workshop and for an hour and fifteen minutes was told about and danced pattern dances from the 17th through the early 18th century. These are such a pleasant somehow satisfying way to pass time with other people.

Nicolas Lancret (1690-1743), Blindman’s Bluff (1728)

There was a reception between 6 and 7 where people drank and talked, and I then went with a good friend to dinner at the Tavern at the Williamsburg Lodge and had an evening meal and talk I’ll remember for a long time to come.

I regretted missing a paper by Alessa Johns on Anna Jameson as “An Enlightenment and Victorian Feminist” because I have so enjoyed Jameson’s travel writing; I wished I could have heard some of the Hogarth papers, the session on Pope’s Rape of the Lock; a session on the politics of mourning in 18th century poetry, gothic romance and real life; Rivka Swenson’s paper on Eliza Haywood’s Secret History of Mary Queen of Scots (I’d have liked to know if it at all connected to Sophia Lee’s Recess or Scott’s later Abbot; and the whole sessions on Mozart; global cities and gardens; and disability, war and violence. But one cannot be in two places at one time.


Author: ellenandjim

Ellen Moody holds a Ph.D in British Literature and taught in American senior colleges for more than 40 years. Since 2013 she has been teaching older retired people at two Oscher Institutes of Lifelong Learning, one attached to American University (Washington, DC) and other to George Mason University (in Fairfax, Va). She is also a literary scholar with specialties in 18th century literature, translation, early modern and women's studies, film, nineteenth and 20th century literature and of course Trollope. For Trollope she wrote a book on her experiences of reading Trollope on the Internet with others, some more academic style essays, two on film adaptations, the most recent on Trollope's depiction of settler colonialism: "On Inventing a New Country." Here is her website: No part of this blog may be reproduced without express permission from the author/blog owner. Linking, on the other hand, is highly encouraged!

16 thoughts on “ASECS, Williamsburg: Amatory Fiction, Inchbald, Austen, and pattern dancing”

    1. Thank you for asking — and noticing. I didn’t see much of it. The lodge, inn, Province Hall Guesthouse, and separate little houses which made up a compound of places to stay in were a bit of a walk from the area called Colonial Williamsburg. These were 3 streets or more and a couple of squares of 17th through 18th century houses in various states of preservation. Some on the central steet are used as restaurants and bookstores and places to buy touristy things.

      I will tell in my third report what it was like to walk watching a series of re-enactments in previously-picked spots in these streets (a higgledy-piggledy mix of people incongruously in costume while doing today things, their friends and relatives in regular clothes often near them, and tourists in front of each building or coming in and out) and what I saw of the College of Wm and Mary which is located at its end. The walk was not short and it required several turns and I am not adventurous when alone so I only went with the one tour I saw open to everyone at the conference without getting yourself a ticket first. I didn’t have any access to any car and so this was the furthest I could go and even then I didn’t want to be out alone at night lest I get lost getting back. I could not depend on having anyone to walk with me.

      In truth I didn’t like being cooped up in this supposed luxurious and over-priced compound. While I saw one middle-class black family arrived to go to one of the expensive restaurants, basically all the staff (men drivers especially) were black and all the customers white. I had been told on the phone that the guesthouses where I had to stay (having registered in January) were across a courtyard and easy walk to the main place (Lodge) where the conference was held and there was a bar and places to eat, but this was not so. After dark you needed to get one of their bellman to chauffeur you. So I felt cut off. Had Jim been there he might have rented a car or gotten a taxi or whatever he used to do and then we would have gone into the real city of Williamsburg, maybe eaten out and walked together and I would have seen something of the city whose environs were not controlled by a strictly tourist preoccupation.

  1. Ellen, I am soooo jealous. What a wonderful menu of delights, a great mixture of lectures, dancing and socialising. I agree the lectures you missed were as interesting as the ones you attended, always a good sign. I can’t wait to hear more.


    1. I was mostly happy while in the lectures and going to the constructed activities — like dance workshops. What I heard will have to hold me for quite a while to come. A friend offered to pick me up at a train station in Delaware so I can go to the EC/ASECS (if I don’t have my right to drive back by the later fall and who knows?) but I will not go to another of these big dos until it comes near the East Coast again.

      1. Well at the very least you now know that you can manage to attend and get pleasure and intellectual stimulation from a conference. That is progress and should boost your confidence a little. I truly was envious.


  2. Yes I got myself there and back. I was relieved when I got off that train but also felt I can do it. I remained in control of myself most of the time and did most of the things a single woman alone does at conferences.

    1. It’s a great regret to me that we don’t live on the same continent. We could go to conferences together. I have fond memories of Exeter. I know it wouldn’t be the same as having Jim as backup, but I’m quite good at such things and we would have fun. Also I would learn such a lot from you. See how devious I am?
      Someone said to you the other day that at least a year needs to go by before things improve with grief. I meant to say that that is my experience too. So you are doing well. I know it doesn’t seem so, but honestly you are.


      1. Yes I needed a friend to be with — to the gallery talks outside the compound for example. But I did notice (as I have many times before) women going to these alone. The world is filled with older women without men. Also some men without women. I wished the lodge had not been so cut off but then I have a hunch that is the usual disposition of space. I wrote a review of a book on Bath a few years ago where I was struck by how once Bath was renovated and in the older 18th century Bath space is organized to be exclusive and with barriers to cross.

        OTOH, it is true most people did come in pairs or get into little groups — which I did a little too.

      2. I am afraid the single thing is part and parcel of life at our time of life. I see little cells of women friends sitting together at the museum lectures. It’s a pity that Jim hadn’t wanted to retire in the UK. I know that tax was a problem, but there are conferences here and more to do otherwise. Also a person needs to have committed a real driving offence to lose ones right to drive. Anyway, I am sure that you will eventually become acquainted with some regular attendees and find a congenial companion to attend with. After all lots of us do find a female friend to enjoy these things with. On Saturday Jutta and I are going to Exeter for a JAS meeting.


  3. Actually I did. I ate lunch with one woman friend and dinner with another and talked to other women friends too. I have some men friends but the sort of thing you are talking about I participated in to some extent.

    I do wish we had gone to England to live — but at the time it seemed prohibitively expensive and I had not inherited the money I have since. He did keep thinking of NYC and the last February he was still finding apartments. There I would not need to drive, a car would be a nuisance.

    1. Well, it will become stronger as you meet them again. Friendship takes a while, but even at our age is possible and fulfilling. Frankly Ellen, if you’d had your bump here, one the insurance side of it was sorted, you’d have heard nothing from our DVLA or the police. The reaction by your authorities has been so OTT.
      I keep on thinking when we attend things that you would enjoy this. Tonight Jutta, Mark and I will be at the Music Society. It’s a request night, so the music will be very varied, all classical though.

      1. Sounds lovely. I am beginning to like classical music best. I listen to it all day long on NPR (National Public Radio).

  4. Sounds like a wonderful time, Ellen. I knew the day would come when you would dance again!

    And I never even heard of Frances Sheridan. One more novelist to add to the reading list!

    1. Sheridan’s novel, Sidney Biddulph, is epistolary and though the story is different, it is a sort of Clarissa novel, with the heroine a victim of norms. It’s tragic. On the masquerade I should have gone into a booth that was there for taking photos; it did not occur to me I should have had my photo taken too; I just didn’t think of it.

  5. I wish I could show some of the photos. They are all put on a facebook page privately — people who are older don’t look so good (but they are real). Sidney Biddulph is really one of the masterpieces of the 18th century. Prevost translated it.

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